Noise reduction by upstream open reading frame
This is a proposal for cover submission.
Upstream open reading frame can reduce the noise (variation) of protein production rates. This research team also found that the uORF is essential for keeping the circadian clock synchronized in plant cells. The background is the rhythmic expression of an oscillator gene, TOC1.
由 「防噪」、「時鐘蛋白」等關鍵字開始發想。畫面的中間是核醣體與 mRNA 所組成的防噪耳機,代表這個防噪機制與核醣體有關。背景是時鐘基因—TOC1 的表現訊號,原本的訊號上下差異很大,但在通過耳機之後,變異性隨之變小。